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Do more good, for your
business, for your people,
for the planet.

When you step up, you stand out.

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Grow with purpose



Decide what you will be known for. Unite your team around a shared purpose. Establish a solid anchor for your brand.



Harness your organisational strengths and stories. Engage your employees and affirm their contribution.



Work together to deliver purpose and impact. Instill practices that support change. Measure your progress.

The purpose of business is to produce profitable solutions to the problems of people and planet, and not to profit from producing problems for people or planet.

Colin Mayer, CBE, Emeritus Professor,
Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

We work with brave business leaders committed to positive change.

As advocates for a Wellbeing Economy, we help you rediscover purpose, reimagine culture and rebuild trust so your business becomes an increasing force for good, delivering both financial and social returns.

Your purpose is your difference.

When you clearly state who you are and how you contribute, you can do more with less. You win hearts and minds; you earn loyalty; you become the brand of choice. Your marketing works harder, achieving more, speaking volumes without the volume.

Find out more

From purpose to impact

Book a call to learn more about how to amplify your impact.

If everyone in the world consumed as we do in the UK, we would need more than 2.6 planets to sustain us.

Global Footprint Network

It is simply not possible to have infinite growth on a finite planet.

Business can and must change; customers, stakeholders, employees and the planet are demanding it. Either we decide when and how to change business, or change will be imposed on us.

You’re in business to provide profitable solutions, to build a better, fairer world.

Reconnect with your purpose so that it drives everything. Now’s the time to align your team and alert the world so you can amplify your impact. If sustainability is to be sustainable, it must be baked in, not tacked on. It’s time for businesses like yours to step up and stand out.

It’s your time to lead the change.


  • Market growth at any cost
  • Differentiation is not a source of pride
  • Unacknowledged workplace culture
  • Team fragmentation and disengagement
  • Marketing madly off in all directions
  • Unprepared for change


  • A clear purpose that directs decisions
  • Proud of what your business stands for
  • Strong, resilient, empowering culture
  • Unity, cohesion, energy, and optimism
  • Clear brand guidelines and marketing plan
  • Open, agile, trusting culture that supports creativity and change

Why purpose, why now?

The role of marketing in a world of overconsumption.

Free white paper analysis

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Recent projects


Finding purpose in change: reflections from Shetland image

30 January 2025, 3 min read

Finding purpose in change: reflections from Shetland

It's in uncertainty that the most meaningful change often takes root. Read the full article

Embracing imperfect progress image

27 March 2024, 3 min read

Embracing imperfect progress

Discover how we can navigate the path towards a more just and sustainable future, one imperfect step at a time. Read the full article

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22 February 2024, 3 min read

Sowing seeds of change: from insight to action

How to translate questioning norms into tangible steps for change. Read the full article